Purple Payday and Sunshine Loans

Our attention today will turn to Pingtree Ltd who act as both a broker and as a lead generation gateway to many affiliates and brokers. The Purple Payday loans brand has by far been their most popular owned product release. This is served through www.purplepayday.com and has benefited greatly over the years from a successful affiliate program. Sunshine Loans has joined them here and there is also a wide range of further sites under their ownership. Such examples includes 247 Cashline, Credit Angel, Epic Loans, Payday Topup and the list goes on and on. Most of their profits are generated through their established Pingtree service.

Within this system, they have a panel of lenders (around 30) lined up where an individual application is fed to. Any single application moves through the line until any lender accepts. As a mark of their prominence, they head that 50,000+ leads are generated daily through their system. In lead generation, this is certainly one of the key players with another notable competitor being T3Leads. This Macclesfield- based broker is referenced as being formed in 2008, although 2007 is noted on their Linkedin page. Either way, Purple Payday was launched in 2008. This was through both www.purplepayday.com and also the cloned (.co.uk) version.

No encryption triggers on site entry, but if you enter HTTPS manually then you would usually be able access a secure connection. However, when trying this now on both sites this security failed due to there being no cached version of the page. Sunshine Loans is a newer product release for 2012 that is found at www.sunshineloans.co.uk. Across both such brands it is noted that £1000 is possible over the month with a likely 25% charge being imposed. Not much detailed information is presented, with their primary aim being to collect leads. They can at least perform this effectively through their valued loan matching expertise.